Hey Dr. Juice its me what’s up. (calm voice)
Hey DR Juice, call me.
Hey Juice I been calling you. Where you at?
Hey, ahh, hey Juice, it’s me. I need to talk to you .
Hey ,call me ASAP.
Hey, where are you?
Hey could you please call me back (gradually getting angry)
I really need to talk to you
Damn where are you? I’ve called you several times and you cant call me back (pissed off now)
Hey call me back
Where are you?
Are you mad at me?
Why are you ignoring me?
I LUV YOU (desperate message to get your attention back)
Can u please call me back?
WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? (very mad trying to get a reaction from you)
FUCK YOU DON’T EVER CALL ME AGAIN (closing the door on you hoping you will call back)
Did you call me and say nothing on my voicemail? (opening the door back up}
Can you please call me back (realizing they have fucked up)
This is the last time im gonna call you
I really need you its an emergency I am fearing for my life right now (very desperate measure)
Plz call me
What did I do wrong? (depression has set in)

Note** I diagnose this as the attention needing stalker, notice how the messages are friendly at first and start to get angry then very hostile then sad and then depressing, this person has emotional issues that need to be addressed hence the I luv you message that was a message out of desperation to get my attention. I believe that there is a chemical imbalance
It seems that I have a stalker on my hands, so its time to break out the stalker survival kit. For those of you who have had a stalker, you know that this is a touchy subject and that you have to handle this very delicately because in a matter of seconds it can go from very manageable to very hostile (especially for the ladies who have a stalker in their lives).
First thing first, you don’t want to make your stalker mad in any way, shape, or form. the angrier they are the less of a chance you have to get rid of them due to the fact that when they are angry they don’t think with a clear head and don’t make rational decisions. When they are mad it’s all about what you have/haven’t done to them and they can not see what they have done.
There are a few different types of stalkers out there; the ones that just want your attention those are the one that are petty and harmless aka the classic bugaboo. you met them at the club when you were wasted and now they are trying to get on. The only contact that was made was when you first met, they will go away with time but DO NOT delete their number out of your phone put them in there as “stalker”, “do not answer” or something that fits them because as soon as you forget about them and think that everything is cool they will call you also if you don’t kno the number DON’T answer it cuz you will get hit with the old baby on the corner trick they will call you from their phone and then from one of their friends phone if you answer you restart the cycle all over again.
Next we have the emotional stalker (mainly of the female origin) this could be a person that you met ,chilled a time or two with, but they are not your type. Yet, they have grown feelings for you. It’s sad to hurt someone’s feelings but you can be with someone you don’t want to be with. Now this person is an elevated terror level no physical damage shall be done in most cases but there is that psycho needle in a haystack. Now the most important thing that you have to worry about is if the person knows where you live or not because the emotional stalker may show up at your house crying and shit and could potentially mess up any plans that you have going on. WHENEVER you meet and chill with somebody especially the first few meetings you wanna meet in a public well lit place bowling, bar, movies if you got a stun gun… NEVER let a person kno where you stay only if you have to but if you have to give them some fucked up directions on how to get there even if its super easy tell them the long way get them lost on purpose so its hard as hell for them to remember where you live (old playa trick) its easier to change numbers than it is to change an address. To get rid of this person you have to be firm but gentle be truthful if you need to but remember their emotions are involved so think of the gentlest way to let them down saying that you talked with your ex and that you decided to work things out is a good way if you go that route don’t say nothing nice to that person that would give them a thought that they had a chance with you cuz they will stay and wait on you and pray for a down fall plus they will call you more and more hoping that the more they talk to you the more you want them.
Next we have the (DEEP BREATH EXHALES REAL SLOW) self inflicting stalker this is the person who is way beyond emotional. This is the person who hurt themselves to hurt you the “if you don’t call me I don’t kno what I will do to myself” now this is a touchy one for me I don’t want to say the wrong shit and catch a medical malpractice suit and lose my doctorhood fuckin wit yall ok this person should be taken kind of serious cuz u don’t want a suicidal person killing themselves on the count of you. One thing that you can do is check their arms for cut marks sounds crazy but if there are marks they’re serious if there isn’t they’re bluffing, but it could still happen tell that person that your not authorized to handle the situation and that you will call the proper authorities if needed that should stop them from making those threats.
Now the last and final type is a code red stalker (mainly of the male origin unless it’s a chick that can beat yo ass fellas) these are the crazy ones ex’s or the ones that are infatuated with you to the point of no return. This type can be harmful to your health and drastic actions must be taken. Do not I repeat do not tell them that you will have a family member beat them up, this will only elevate the situation. This stalker could have the mind frame that since you got people out on me im gonna get you before they can get to me, or get you afterwards. Ignoring them is a phase that might work in some occasions change your number if you see them don’t speak act as if they never existed if that doesn’t tell them you are gonna call the proper authorities if they really crazy they might say “go ahead I don’t give a fuck” if that is said then go ahead but, if it’s the type of person that says no no don’t do that then you got a person pretending to be hard either way don’t take this situation light.
Hopefully this has given you some insight on how to deal with stalkers. Everybody has had at least one from the bugaboo to the code red (hopefully just a bugaboo) but, if you have not dealt with this in the past then that means that you were the stalker in the situation. If you were the stalker read this again take notes and reevaluate your procedures because no one wants a stalker. Unless they’re a stalker them self.