The first thing that I want to blog about is DOWN PLAYING yo self we all do it or have done it if you say you have not kill yo self. Im sure the person you tryna meet dont wanna kno yo defaults unless they some major shit like I USED TO BE A MAN, I GOT AIDS somethin like that but if u cock eyed and we get along good then thats fine I might have you wear some sunglasses when you meet my friends and family (just playin). when you down play your self to me it shows that you have a lack of confidence. if I get at you then there is somethin there that attracted me to you when you tell me yo faults that cancels out all the positive which goes back to the lack of confidence damn she bad to me but she got issues like a motherfucka im good on that. so what if you slew footed on the right leg and pigeon toed on da left its all good we gonna get you some orthapedic shoes wit fat laces and be all good. just do you if a motherfucka dont like you then they dont she push on keep it movin cuz there is somebody out there who does it might take some time to find them
ok there are ways to down yo self to make u look better i do that now ill tell a joke on myself to get a chick laughin then it makes convo alot more easier i feel as once i get you laughin gametime if you can make a negative about you and turn it in to a positive then thats all good it shows that you got confidence and are happy wit yo self
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